harvest moon ds - island of happiness

Harvest Moon DS - Island Of Happiness ROM

harvest moon ds - island of happiness
NDS Emulator
10.7MB / ISO
3166 - Harvest Moon DS - Island Of Happiness is a simulation based video game which has interesting story line and simple concept too that every farming lover likes to play it in their leisure time throughout the period.
In addition, the 3166 - Harvest Moon DS - Island Of Happiness Game includes certain types of animals that every player should keep focus on them every time and fulfill their needs on time to time so that it becomes easier to simply go ahead.
Learn the Basics!
In the 3166 - Harvest Moon DS - Island Of Happiness Game, the player is owner of their farm that has sufficient knowledge regarding farming and crops too. In simple words, the player’s should planted water to the crops on daily bases so that it becomes easier to make their farm more productive or even with fewer efforts.
Furthermore, the farm owner should planted those crops that have more demand in the market so that he can get more benefits in the near future or even without putting hard efforts on unnecessary tasks throughout the period .
Livestock include cows, sheep and many more which produce milk, eggs and wool, respectively. Not only this, work animals also include a dog and horse that can be acquired after meeting certain criteria. In detail, the dog protects livestock and the horse can be ridden and used mainly for the farm work as well.
Wrap Up!
Hope that the players learn the basics of 3166 - Harvest Moon DS - Island Of Happiness Game as given-above that help them to simply make their farm more productive and get instant progress throughout the period.