MAME 037b11 (MAME 037B11) Roms

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MAME 037b11 ROMs

MAME is an open-source game emulator created to transfer arcade games in the software system of personal computers, developed by an Italian programmer Nicola Salmoria in the year 1997. MAME, which stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator was originally developed solely for MS-DOS. Nowadays, MAME runs on the operating system of Windows, macOS, Linux, BSD, Amiga, and others.

MAME is written in C++, C, and Phyton in some drivers, which continuously emerging as the computer hardware grows too. MAME that created to operate on standard windows system demands the following system requirements: 2.0 GHz Intel Core Series CPU or higher, 32-bit OS, 4 GB RAM, DirectX 9.0 for Windows, Direct3D or OpenGL graphics card, and any DirectSound soundcard or onboard audio. For a more advanced version of MAME, you must have a high-quality PC. Latest MAME requires a Direct3D 8-capable video card with video RAM of at least 16MB.

Here are the following well-known games emulated by MAME: Bubble Bobble, Street Fighter II: The World Warrior, Metal Slug, Sunset Riders, X-Men vs. Streer Fighter, Donkey Kong, Dig Dug, Metal Slug X, Snow Bros., Contra, Dragon Breed, Legend of Hero Tonma, Ghost'n Goblins, Aliens, Gang Wars, Ninja Spirit, Tetris, Hammerin' Harry, Shinobi, Popeye, Rampage, Robocop, Neo Drift Out, Mortal Kombat 3, Mario Bros, Pang, Wonderboy, Galaxian, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, Blood Bros., OutRun, Robotron 2084, Tumblepop, Street Fighter II Turbo, 1942, Track & Field, Captain Comando, Double Dragon, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, WWF WrestleFest, NBA Jam, Star Wars, and Pac Man.